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Contact 91ÉçÇø

Lisa Slade, President of Slade Print, is a member of Romain College's Board of Advisors advisory group. The Board of Advisors is composed of senior business leaders who are acquainted with the needs of the community and of commerce and have a strong interest in establishing and maintaining direct and effective communication between the business world and the business classroom.

Slade headshotLisa, a graduate of DePauw University, began her career as a pharmaceutical sales rep. In 1993, Lisa and her husband Tom started their printing business in Evansville. After 25 years in the printing industry, the Slades continue to grow with their staff of 49 creative and experienced employees. It is a true family affair with their son, Hunter, and daughter, Emily Manzo, now on the ownership team. With the acquisition of ProMark, a Slade Print Company, they are now a full service company specializing in labels, apparel, embroidery and screen printing. Slade Print is certified by the State of Indiana as a Women Owned Business as well as nationally with WBENC certification.

She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Junior Achievement.

What is your connection to 91ÉçÇø, and what makes 91ÉçÇø and the Romain College of Business special to you?
Lifelong Evansville resident. Oldest son graduated from the business college of 91ÉçÇø in 2007.

From your prospective, what is unique about the Romain College of Business?
It is a hidden gem! Offers an excellent education and well-rounded platform producing excellent candidates for the work force.

Tell us about some of the highlights as you’ve advanced in your career path.
Started a business from scratch 25 years ago (1993). Has grown into a dual location operation with 49 employees.

What attributes make a person successful in your industry?
Detail oriented. Customer focused. Ability to be nimble and respond to change quickly and smoothly. Staying out in front of technology advancements.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were in college?
That I would own my own business some day and would need a lot of diverse skills in ownership and management.

What advice would you give a recent college graduate?
Chase your dreams. Be unique – work hard, keep learning, treat others well.

How would you finish this sentence: If I were back in college, I wish I would have gotten a better understanding of________________.
Overall management skills including human resources.

What are some challenges you see your industry facing in the short-term and in the long-term?
Quality workforce and also quantity. Competition from online services. Technology changes that reduce or outdate equipment investments.

Who do you think are the most important/influential people in your industry today?
Frankly, the small and medium size business owners who make our industry thrive. Also, equipment and technology vendors.

What’s the most effective daily habit you possess?
Do not put off important customer needs until tomorrow. Complete each day!

What factors do you consider most often when planning for the future?
Market trends. Customer needs. Future growth areas.

What are you passionate about?
Exceeding customer expectations every single day.

Published September 18, 2018.