Nearly 2,000 students named to 91ÉçÇø Dean's List for Spring 2021 Semester
May 14, 2021
In recognition of outstanding academic achievement, the 91ÉçÇø Dean's List has been released for the Spring 2021 Semester. ​Dr. Mohammed Khayum, 91ÉçÇø Provost, announced that a total of 1,966 undergraduates were named to the Dean's List.​
Semester honors are not awarded to master's degree students or doctoral students.
Undergraduate students must achieve a 3.5 or better grade point average (on a 4.0 system) to be named to the list. Students earning no IN (incomplete) or Z (missing) grades for the term, and earning letter grades of computable point value (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and Pass/No Pass graded courses do not apply) in 12 or more semester hours, with a semester grade point average between 3.5 and 4.0 are named to the list.
The list is arranged by state and city, according to the mailing address each student has provided to the University. A student's name may be listed under Evansville if the student supplied an Evansville mailing address. The dean's list may be accessed by clicking the link below.
Note to students:
If you expected your name to be on the list and you cannot find it, use the search function in the PDF document. Type your name to search the entire list. If you still do not find your name, email Tracy Sinn in the Registrar's Office using your my91ÉçÇø email address (include your full name and student ID number). If it can be verified that you did qualify for the dean's list, that office will give University Communications your name and hometown.
Questions about media distribution of the list should be directed to Ben Luttrull, Media Relations Specialist at bluttrull@usi.edu or at 812-461-5259.