Getting to Know You: Dr. Sabinah Wanjugu
August 13, 2021
AfterÌýgrowing up in a village at the footÌýof MountÌýKenya, the highestÌýpointÌýin Kenya, Dr.ÌýSabinahÌýWanjugu, Assistant Professor of Marketing,Ìýdecided it was time for a change of scenery and joined the 91ÉçÇø family in 2020.ÌýÌý
From fourth grade through high school, Dr. Wanjugu attended a boarding school andÌýafter,Ìýcontinued her education byÌýearningÌýbachelor's degreesÌýinÌýeconomicsÌýandÌýsociology from Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya.ÌýAfter graduating, sheÌýbravelyÌýpacked her bagsÌýand set offÌýin search of her next adventure, leaving her family, includingÌýaÌýbrother and sister, and the life she once knewÌýbehind.ÌýÌý
After her move to the U.S., Dr. Wanjugu concurrently pursued her MBA andÌýdoctorate inÌýbusinessÌýeducation from Louisiana Tech University and,ÌýafterÌýall her hard work,Ìýlanded a jobÌýat 91ÉçÇø, where sheÌýspendsÌýher days sharing her knowledge with students and other faculty members on campus.Ìý
Being thousands of miles away fromÌýfamily canÌýbe a challenge, but learnÌýhow Dr. WanjuguÌýadjusted to lifeÌýin the U.S.Ìýand some of the lessons and hobbies she'sÌýlearnedÌýalong the way.Ìý
Let's get to know Dr.ÌýSabinahÌýWanjugu!Ìý
What attracted you to 91ÉçÇø?Ìý
When I was approaching the end of my doctoral journey, I started applying for teaching jobs and luckily landed an interview with 91ÉçÇø held in Chicago at the AMA Marketing conference.ÌýAfter aÌý30-minuteÌýinteraction with Dr.ÌýMilewicz, our current MarketingÌýChair,ÌýandÌýotherÌýmembers of the 91ÉçÇø faculty present during the interview, I was sold. The level of collegiality they demonstrated was just what I was looking for. When I finally got a chance to comeÌýtoÌýcampus and interact with students, facultyÌýand staff, I was thrilled by the friendly and supportive ambiance all around. 91ÉçÇø is a place where everyone feels at home.Ìý
What does the average workday look like for you?Ìý
I start off my workday with a big cup of coffee! My workday activities include reading and sending studentsÌýemails with class updates, attending college or department meetingsÌýandÌýattending research project collaboration meetingsÌýwith colleagues. However,ÌýmostÌýof my workday involvesÌýgetting ready for classes andÌýconductingÌýlectures. There is nothing as fulfilling as being prepared for class and seeing students enjoy class activitiesÌýyou have prepared for them!Ìý
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?Ìý
Growing up, my mom always gave the best advice-one that I hold dear isÌýfromÌýa Swahili proverb, "MtakaÌýchaÌýmvunguniÌýshartiÌýainame," which translates to; if you want to get something you have stored under the bed, then you must stoop to get it. My mom used this proverb to remind me that success is not easily attained, it takes effort andÌýhard workÌýto attain.ÌýI use this advice as my motivation to keep striving for the things I desire in life, and that hard work and dedication pays off in theÌýlong run.Ìý
What do you treasure most in life?Ìý
FamilyÌýfamily, family! I have two siblingsÌýwhoÌýare so dear to me. We have a very close relationship and care a lot for each other. I especially began appreciating my connection to my family when I migrated to the U.S.,ÌýTheÌýdistanceÌýbetween us makes me miss the times we spent together, laughing, sharing,Ìýand supporting each other through life.Ìý
What movie/TV character do you relate to the most?Ìý
Nakia from Black Panther-Nakia's character is portrayed as empathetic, intelligentÌýand dedicated. She consistently gets involved in conflicts for the good of others and is adamant to use her abilities to help those in need. I amÌýaÌýhardworkingÌýand dedicated woman whoÌýwill go out of my way to help whenever and wherever I might be needed. I might also relate to this character more because it's played by one of the best Kenya actresses,ÌýLupita Nyong'o.ÌýÌý
What is one of the strangest things you believed as a child?Ìý
I believed thatÌýif I walked straight for miles to the edge of the earth, I could reach the flat line where the sky seemed to meet the earth and touch the horizon.Ìý
Would you say you are more of an introvert or extrovert?Ìý
Definitely anÌýintroverted extrovert.ÌýI am quite reservedÌýinÌýtheÌýbeginning;ÌýI tend to gage social platforms first until I establish my comfort zone. Once I get comfortable with the environment,Ìýthen my extroverted self-starts to show. Overall, I would say that I enjoy being with others, but my personal time and space areÌýbothÌýpriorities.Ìý
What do you like to do outside of work?Ìý
SinceÌýfinishingÌýmy doctorate,ÌýI have taken up a few new hobbies.ÌýI am currently learning golf and tennis which I am enjoying quite a bit. I also like to watch a good movie or TV showÌýorÌýread an enjoyable book,Ìýmy favorite genreÌýbeingÌýmemoirs.ÌýI love reading memoirs because there is nothing as informative as learning from another person's experience or story. I also enjoy travelingÌýand loveÌýthat Evansville is conveniently located for impromptu weekend trips to various cities and national/state parks.Ìý
What is your favorite day of the week? Why?Ìý
My favorite day of the week is Sunday. This is the day I get to catch up with most of my family members who are in Kenya. Due to the time difference, it is usually hard to stay connected during the weekdays. I look forward to the long video calls and getting updates of how things are back home. This year has been even more eventful, since my sister had her first baby boy. I have watched him grow via video,Ìýand it melts my heart every time he sees me through the small screen,ÌýheÌýsmiles and babbles "tata," meaning Aunt in Swahili.Ìý
What has working at 91ÉçÇø taught you?Ìý
Having started my jobÌýatÌý91ÉçÇø in the middle of a pandemic, this past year has taught me the virtue of being resilient. I saw 91ÉçÇø'sÌýstudents, faculty and staff rise to the occasion and strive through the tough times. I know better days are coming but being at 91ÉçÇø through one of the most challenging yearsÌýwill always be engraved in my mind,Ìýnot only because it was a challenging time, but mostly because of how we all came together to successfully navigate every challenge with resilience, dedicationÌýand support for each other. GoÌýScreagles!Ìý
Which famous person, dead or alive, would you want to spend the day with?Ìý
I love Oprah Winfrey-sheÌýis legendary. I would love to spend a day with OprahÌýbecauseÌýshe has always been my biggest inspiration. She is an example of a woman who has shattered the glass ceiling through hard work and dedication. Despite many challenges,ÌýOprah was able to reach the highest level of success and is an inspiration to many people. I would take an opportunity to spend a day with Oprah and pick her brain on diverse topics such as living a happy life, being successful, healthy living, relationships and many more topicsÌýof which she is an expert in.ÌýÌý
What would be the title of your memoir?Ìý
"You've got this!" I take a positive approach to life because I realized that life is full ofÌýups and downs. Life will throw some challenges, but I always remember to seek happinessÌýand to accept the things I cannot change. Diane Von FurstenbergÌýquotes in one of her booksÌýI am currently reading, "The secret to life is to learn how to accept our imperfections and turnÌýthose into assets."ÌýI try to live by those words every day.Ìý
ÌýThis Getting to Know You feature was written by Tobi Clark, a student worker in University Communications.