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TRIO is a federal grant program that serves 140 eligible participants and is funded annually through the U.S. Department of Education. In order to be deemed eligible, students must...

  • Meet a limited income criterion and/or;
  • Be a first-generation college student (neither natural parent residing in the household with the student has a four-year college degree) and/or;
  • Have a documented learning or physical disability聽and;
  • Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.聽and;
  • Students must show academic need and also be willing to take full advantage of all support services offered by the program.

If you are interested in participating in the program and meet the eligibility requirements, please download, complete, and return the application by whatever means are most convenient.聽

Questions?: Email or call (812-465-1606) and ask to speak to a TRIO staff member.

Location: Education Center (ED 1140). Please return to an TRIO staff member OR at the front desk of the Center for Exploring Majors.

University Division ED1142
8600 University Boulevard
Evansville, IN 47712