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Join the 91社区 Bronstein Center and Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) for Careers in Aging Month! Careers in Aging Month is celebrated every year in March to raise awareness about the diverse careers available in the field of aging, gerontology and related professions. The 91社区 Bronstein Center and GWEP will celebrate by holding an array of events and activities to help students explore options in this field.聽

Upcoming Events

Documentary Screening - Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

March 19 and March 20 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wright Administration Building, Forum 3 Travel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives. Free food, giveaways, and a raffle will be provided!

Social Media and Brain Health Lunch and Learn

3/27/2025 from 12 - 1 pm at HP3021: Social media is now a key part of daily life—but have you thought about how it affects your brain? In this lunch-and-learn, Ayano Hosoya, Leah Flake, and a guest from the Vanderburgh Public Health Department will explore its impact on attention span and share tips for a brain-healthy lifestyle. Free lunch provided!

Minka Mixer

3/18/2025 from 12 - 2pm: Join the student organizations STELLAR (STudents and ELderly Linking Around Relationships) and Sigma Phi Omega at the Minka for the Minka Mixer where you can learn about living in place and smarthome technology, enjoy snacks and refreshments!

Careers in Aging Classroom Presentations

Learn more about Careers in Aging with our 10 minute classroom presentations. Interested in having a presenter come to your classroom and talk about Careers in Aging?

Contact Information:

Check out these resources to learn more about careers in aging:
