Students selected for admission to the nursing program must also meet clinical agency requirements, present evidence of satisfactory health status, be eligible for RN licensure, and capable of fulfilling clinical practice requirements.
Pre-Requisites and Minimum Grade Requirements
- Students must complete the following courses with a minimum grade of 鈥淐鈥 prior to beginning Nursing 246: Introduction to Professional Nursing and Nursing 247: Health Assessment:
BIOL 121: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 122: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 272: Medical Microbiology
CHEM 141: Principles of Chemistry
ENG 101: Rhetoric and Composition I
ENG 201: Rhetoric and Composition II
PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology
CMST 101 or CMS 107: Intro to Public Speaking or Interpersonal Communications
One course from either Ways of Knowing/Social Inquiry or BS Skills/Social Science
Additional First-Year Prerequisite Courses:
HP 115: Medical Terminology
UNIV 101: First Year Experience
KIN 192: Concepts in Health & Wellness
MATH 114: Quantitative Reasoning
In addition, students will need NUTR 376 (a "C" or better) and HP 302 prior to second semester nursing courses.
- All remaining University Core curriculum and all required non-nursing courses (Except IPH401) must be completed prior to or concurrent with Nursing 246-Intro to Nursing and Nursing 247-Nursing Assessment. Students will not be able to progress into Nursing 357-Introduction to Patient Care if these courses have not been completed.
- Science Eligibility Rule:
- Anatomy and physiology and chemistry course credit must be earned or equivalent competence demonstrated within five years of enrollment in clinical nursing courses.
- Students with three or more failures (a "D" or "F") in any of the required science courses are ineligible for the Nursing program at 91社区.
- Students must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in all nursing courses. In order to achieve a grade of "C" or better in a nursing course, a student must achieve a "Pass" in the clinical component in addition to a "C" or better in the theory component. Letter grades are not given for clinical nor is a clinical "pass" utilized in computing the course grade, other than the requirement that the student must pass the clinical in order to earn a "C" grade or better. Students who do not receive a "pass" grade in the clinical will receive a letter grade of "F" in the course.
- Students must retake a nursing course in which a grade of a "D" or less is earned (see Delay in Progression policy). Both theory and clinical must be repeated. If the repeated grade is acceptable ("C" or above) only the higher grade will be reflected in the student's GPA. If a "D" or less is earned when repeating the course or in any subsequent nursing course, the student will be dismissed from the program and will not be eligible for readmission.