Behind the Beak
C. L. Stambush
Behind the Beak: Life in the Archie Suit

ARCHIBALD T. EAGLE (T. stands for "The") lights up every 91社区 event he attends, from athletic tournaments to charity dance marathons and everything in between. While we can't reveal who the humans are in the feathered suit, we can let you hear from two of the Archies, Anonymous Archies A and B as they share what it is like to be him.
How did you become Archie for the Screaming Eagles?
A. I knew one of the former Archies and they told me I should try out, so I did and here I am.
B. Pure luck. I applied to be a friend, hoping that one day I would get to put on the suit and be the Screaming Eagle.
Can you share any memorable experiences as Archie?
A. My favorite experience as Archie is when I go to elementary schools and see all the children. I love seeing all their bright faces when they watch me walk into a school.
B. I have had a lot of memorable moments, but one of my favorites was when I beat the University of Evansville's Ace Purple at air hockey during a college mascot event at Evansville's Ford Center. Go Screagles!
What kind of training or preparation did you undergo to become Archie, both physically and in terms of performance?
A. First, I had to get used to the temperature in the suit. For my performance, I watched videos of famous mascots so I could get a better understanding of what a mascot could do at events.
B. Having a hot, heavy suit on is physically demanding so I build up my endurance by doing workouts at home, especially lunges and sit ups. To improve my performance as Archie, I like to learn new TikTok dances. He enjoys dancing so I like to make sure he's up to date on all the newest trends!
How do you maintain high energy and enthusiasm during games, especially when the team is facing challenges?
A. I usually just remember how happy I am when watching other mascots do fun dances on the court. This helps me realize how motivational a mascot can be. So, when I see our teams having a hard time, I try to keep the fans entertained while also motivating the athletes.
B. Riling up the crowd can be a little hard when you cannot yell, so I just try to jump around or wave my arms to raise the energy. When the cheerleaders start cheering, I always try to join in and get the crowd to join in as well.
What is your favorite part about being Archie, and what are are the challenges?
A. I love being Archie because I get to be at all the memorable events that happen on or off campus. The main challenge is getting hot while in the suit. To get past this I take little water breaks which really helps.
B. When I'm in the suit, I always try to high five the players when I see them. They do a good job of hyping up Archie when we do interact. The cheer and dance teams are the best supporters. I love interacting with them and watching them perform.
If you could give aspiring mascots some advice, what would it be?
A. I would tell them to have as much fun as possible. Not everyone gets to be in the spots we are in. So, enjoy the moment and show your love for our campus by being the best Archie you can be.
B. Go for it! Being Archie has been a highlight of my time at 91社区. It has given me so many opportunities to go to cool events and games. Anybody can apply! There is an application form in Archie's Instagram bio!
In the Star's Orbit
Archie's got allies. Known as Archie's Friends, a team of students take turns being responsible to get Archie where he needs to be safely by acting as another set of eyes and handler.
MALORIE SCHELLER '26, double major in special education and elementary education. "I love going with Archie to fun events. I also love seeing kids' reactions to Archie. Most give Archie a big hug or high five." She says to be a good friend to Archie some things are a must. "Be full of school spirit! It's also important to be in the know about all the events at 91社区 in case someone has a question. Being Archie's handler means speaking for Archie, so you have to be prepared to answer all the crazy questions kids may ask."
ABBY SCHELLER '26, visual art education. "My favorite part is seeing people of all ages get excited to see Archie. From older adults to alumni to college students and younger, they are always thrilled to see 'The Eagle.' Archie knows how to make a crowd and his fans excited and pumped up.
There's nothing special I need to do, he's just a genius that knows how to get the job done. Whether it's dancing or giving high-fives and hugs, he's there for you and me! Archie is also very good with promotions and social media. If content is needed for an on-campus event or just for fun, he's the Bird that will do it for you."
SUSANNA SHEPARD '25, elementary education. "It is very funny watching Archie try to get suited up by himself. Since the suit is covered in muscles, it is hard for Archie to zip it up, which is why there are Archie's Friends. One memorable moment was when we were visiting an elementary school. Archie was outside waiting for the students to get off the buses and as soon as they saw Archie, they all ran over to him and gave him hugs." Since Archie is nonverbal, Susanna likes to give him a voice. "I usually ask Archie yes or no questions so they can have a chance to speak for themselves. This helps fans get to know Archie a little better."