IC 21-39.5-2-1: Free Inquiry, Expression, and Intellectual Diversity Complaint Form
In compliance with IC 21-39.5-2-1, the 91社区 has established a procedure for students and employees to submit complaints regarding faculty not meeting the described criteria:
(1) foster a culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity within the institution;
(2) expose students to scholarly works from a variety of political or ideological frameworks that may exist within and are applicable to the faculty member's academic discipline;
(3) while performing teaching duties within the scope of the faculty member's employment, will not subject students to political or ideological views and opinions that are unrelated to the faculty member's academic discipline or assigned course of instruction.
Complaints may be submitted regarding anyone engaged in teaching for the 91社区, with the exception of dual credit instructors (College Achievement Program).聽 Access to the complaint form requires a valid my91社区 login.聽 The complaint form requires identification of the course, section number, date of incident, and instructor as well as to which criteria the complaint refers.聽 The complaint form requires a narrative describing the incident and provides the ability to upload evidence.
Complaints will be managed by the chair or director of the unit for the course identified in the complaint. In the instances where the course is taught by a department chair or program director, the complaint will be evaluated by the Dean of the college in which the course is offered.聽 In cases where a complaint is filed in a course taught by a college Dean, the case will be reviewed by the Assistant/Associate Provost.聽 The chair/director will first determine if the complaint meets the criteria of the law.聽 If the complaint is determined NOT to meet the criteria, the chair/director will submit a statement explaining the process and basis for the determination and any relevant evidence.
If the complaint is determined to meet the criteria, the chair/director will notify the instructor, provide access to the complaint, and arrange a meeting in a timely manner to review the complaint.聽 Following the meeting, the chair/director will make a determination.聽 If information and evidence provided by the faculty member provides grounds to discontinue further action, the chair/director will file an appropriate report and the complaint does not need to be addressed in the Faculty Annual Report, Reappointment, or Promotion and Tenure narratives.聽 If the chair/director determines the complaint merits action, they will recommend corrective action.聽 In the case of the course being outside the faculty鈥檚 department, corrective action will be determined by the chair of the faculty鈥檚 department.
The faculty member will be notified of the decision and any recommended corrective action in writing in a timely manner.聽 Complaints that meet the criteria must be resolved within a timely manner.
If a full-time faculty member receives a complaint determined to meet the criteria, the faculty member must address the complaint in the narrative section of the Faculty Annual Report.聽 In addition to describing the complaint and the criteria, the faculty member will, in direct reference to the incident, explain what corrective measures were taken.聽 Similarly in subsequent portfolios submitted for tenure and promotion, any complaints and associated corrective measure should be included in the narrative on teaching.
If the faculty member receiving the complaint determined to meet the criteria is not a full-time faculty member, in the absence of a Faculty Annual Report, Reappointment, or Promotion and Tenure narrative, the department chair will note the complaint and corrective action in the appropriate evaluation.聽 The faculty member may submit a narrative response to be included.
Faculty have the right to utilize the faculty grievance procedure in appeal, determining if the complaint met the criteria or appropriateness of the corrective action. (Refer to Faculty Handbook C.19 Procedures for Amelioration and Reconciliation of a Grievance) https://handbook.usi.edu/procedures-for-amelioration-and-reconciliation-of-a-grievance