Article I. NAME
Article II. PURPOSE听
Article IV. OFFICERS听听
- Section 1. The Officers听
- Section 2. The Elections听听
- Section 3. Term of Office听
- Section 4. Filling of Vacancies听
- Section 5. Duties听
- Section 1. Representatives
- Section 2. Elections听
- Section 3. Term of Office听
- Section 4. Filling of Vacancies
- Section 5. Duties
- Section 1. Regular Meetings
- Section 2. Special Meetings
- Section 3. Quorum听
- Section 4. Attendance and Participation听 听
- Section 1. Members听
- Section 2. Duties听听听
- Section 1. Description of Committee听
- Section 2. Duties听听
- Section 3. Special Committees听听
- Section 4. Authority听
Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be the 91社区 Staff Council.
The Staff Council represents the non-exempt staff of this institution. Its purpose is to support the University and assist in making the managerial process more effective by encouraging the enhancement of the work environment and work life of employees, fostering staff involvement in University matters as appropriate, and uphold and strengthen the mission of the 91社区.
Eligibility for membership in this organization shall be limited to all regular full-time non-exempt support staff employees with at least 90 days of service. Ex-officio, non-voting members will include the immediate past Staff Council chair, those elected as alternate representatives, the president of the University and any other persons so designated by the president.
Section 1. The Officers
The officers shall consist of the chair, vice chair, secretary and past chair.
Section 2. The Elections
An annual election of officers shall be held. A majority of eligible Staff Council members need to submit a vote for an election to be valid. All elections shall be by secret ballot, and results of elections are to be kept on file for two years. The Nominating Committee shall review for availability and submit candidate names for the office of chair, which will be elected by eligible Staff Council members at the June meeting. The elected chair will assume duties at the July Staff Council meeting. The election of vice chair, secretary, and all committee chairs will be held at the July Staff Council Meeting, and they will assume duties immediately.
Section 3. Term of Office
The term of an office shall be for one fiscal year (July through June). No elected Executive Committee member shall serve in any office more than two consecutive terms. However, in the event no candidate other than the incumbent, who has served the maximum terms in an office, is willing to stand for election, the Council may vote to suspend the term of office limit and accept a nomination for said incumbent to run for the same office for another term.
Section 4. Filling of Vacancies
In the event an executive officer cannot complete their term, the remaining Executive Committee members shall, with advice and consent from Council, appoint an elected representative from the Staff Council to fill that position to the conclusion of the term.
Section 5. Duties
The chair shall preside at Council and Executive Committee meetings, act as the official Staff Council representative and, together with the vice chair and secretary, prepare the annual report to the Council. The report shall be presented by the chair at the last meeting of the term.
The vice chair shall assume the duties of the chair in his/her absence and be prepared to assume the office of chair in the event of a vacancy. In the event the vice chair is unable to assume the duties, a new election will be held in accordance with the existing Staff Council rules. The vice chair also serves as a liaison with all standing committees. The vice chair coordinates the training of new members and committee chairs, prepares placards for new members or members with new titles or roles and assists with other internal council organization, such as preparing binders for members and calendar of meetings and events for the Staff Council website. The vice chair, together with the chair and the secretary, shall prepare the annual report for the council. This report shall be presented by the chair at the last meeting of the term.
The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings. Approved copies of the minutes will be posted on the Staff Council web page. The secretary will work with the chair, vice chair and committee chairs to schedule rooms for meetings and events. The secretary, together with the chair and the vice chair, shall prepare an annual report for the Council. This report shall be presented by the chair at the last meeting of the term.
Section 1. Representatives
Staff Council membership shall be comprised of 20 voting representatives elected from the eligible population and at least two but no more than five non-voting alternate representatives.
Section 2. Elections
There shall be an annual election of representatives to be held during the month of May.听 Nominations for candidates may come from any eligible non-exempt staff and must be forwarded to the Nominating Committee. All benefit-eligible support staff employees with at least 30 days of service may vote for candidates nominated for open seats on the Council. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be Council representatives. The newly elected representatives shall assume their duties July 1. Election shall be by secret ballot. At least one candidate for each vacancy shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee. The results of the election shall be retained for two years. Candidates not elected for a voting seat, will be considered alternate representatives ranked by the number of votes received.
Section 3. Term of Office
The term of office for a representative shall be two fiscal years (July 1 through June 30). A representative may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Any alternate who steps into a relinquished representative鈥檚 role will serve out that representative鈥檚 remaining term. The alternate鈥檚 replacement term will be considered his/her first term. The term of office for an alternate shall be one fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).听
Section 4. Filling Vacancies
If an elected representative cannot complete their term, the highest ranked alternate will fill the open seat and complete the remainder of the term. In the event that there becomes an insufficient number of alternates on the Council, the Nominating Committee, with the guidance of the Executive Committee, will recruit and nominate candidates for the Council to elect to serve.
Section 5. Duties
The Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the administration. All matters appropriate for action shall be submitted in writing to the Staff Council. Proposals for consideration by the Staff Council may be presented by any eligible employee.
The Staff Council shall prepare revisions of the bylaws; serve as a channel of communication between represented areas and the Council; make recommendations on matters of concern to the Council; fill unexpired terms, vacancies and special committees appointed by the chair; supervise Council/committee elections and communicate with new employees.
Section 1. Regular Meetings
The representatives of the Staff Council shall meet at least once a month during the fiscal year at such time and place as the Council approves. All meetings of the Staff Council are open meetings. All alternates are highly encouraged to attend meetings in order to be knowledgeable on Staff Council matters.
Section 2. Special Meetings
The Staff Council may be called into a special session by its Chair. All representatives must be notified in writing, by email or by telephone at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting.
Section 3. Quorum
A majority, (50 percent plus one), of representatives shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business at any regular meeting or special meetings of Staff Council.
Section 4. Attendance and Participation
Council members are expected to attend all Staff Council meetings.听 Non-voting alternates are encouraged to attend meetings in order to be knowledgeable on Staff Council matters in the event that they may be called to replace a voting member.听
Council members are required to serve on at least one standing committee and may also serve on subcommittees and/or University Committees.
Attendance will be reviewed by the Executive Committee.听 Any voting Council member who is absent from more than two Council and/or standing committee meetings without sufficient cause and/or notification during any six-month period may be asked to step-down as a representative.听 Decision for removal of any representative must be by two-thirds vote of the full Council. 听Written or email notification of the decision to remove will be given by the Chair to the representative.
All Staff Council members are expected to participate in Council sponsored events and activities, i.e.:听 Archie鈥檚 Food Closet Drive, Giving Tree, Employee Cookout.
Section 1. Members
The Executive Committee shall be chair, vice chair, secretary, immediate past chair, and standing committee chairs.
Section 2. Duties
The Executive Committee shall arrange all Council meetings, establish committees for research, study and any other legitimate purpose consistent with expressed or perceived interest of the eligible employees at the University, prepare recommendations on behalf of the Council to the administration, and collaborate with other representative bodies of the University.
Section 1. Description of Committee
Standing committees will be chaired by elected representatives. The number of standing committee members should consist of a minimum of seven representatives. Representatives, except for the officers, are required to serve on at least one standing committee and may also serve on a subcommittee. The standing committees are as follows:
- Employee Benefits and Communications
- Employee Relations
The Subcommittees are as follows:
- Bylaws
- Nominating
- Web
The members of each committee shall elect a committee chair, vice chair, and secretary. If the committee chair position becomes vacant, the committee鈥檚 vice chair will assume the duties of committee chair and the committee will elect a new vice chair. Each Standing Committee should meet at least once a month. Each Subcommittee will meet as needed.
Section 2. Duties
- The Employee Benefits and Communications Committee shall, in consultation with the administrative staff, review and study benefits related matters and make recommendations to the Council. The committee shall facilitate Staff Council communications and provide University support staff with a clear communication pathway to express concerns or questions.
- The Employee Relations Committee shall address appropriate matters and other concerns of Staff Council and plan several annual events, including but not limited to, The Giving Tree, Archie鈥檚 Food Closet Drive, Student Worker Appreciation Week, the Employee Cookout, and the Support Staff Employee Recognition Award
- The Bylaws Committee shall review amendments to these Bylaws to ensure language, grammar and conformity. The Committee shall also recommend to the Council whether the amendment be approved or denied and give a reason for the recommendation. A recommendation to deny an amendment by the Committee does not prevent the amendment from being considered by the Council. The Committee shall also interpret these Bylaws when questions arise and make recommendations on clarifying amendments. This committee forms on an as-needed basis.
- The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of eligible candidates who have consented to serve if elected and shall prepare ballots for the annual election and any other special elections. This committee forms on an as-needed basis. The Web Committee is a subcommittee of the Employee Benefits and Communications standing committee. It shall maintain the Council鈥檚 website and any social media accounts.
Section 3. Special Committees
The Executive Committee can appoint any special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 4. Authority
- No standing committee, subcommittee, or special committee of Staff Council, except the Executive Committee, has the authority to act independently of the Council.
- Committees must receive approval from the Council before finalizing any actionable projects or plans. The Council may grant pre-authorization to act, if needed. If Council approval or pre-authorization is not possible, the Executive Committee must approve the action.
The Staff Council shall abide by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. These rules shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the total Council, subject to approval by the authorizing body at any regularly scheduled meeting, provided that a written proposal for the amendment was submitted to the members of the Council at least one week prior to the meeting.
- amended: 09/26/01
- amended: 06/09/09
- amended: 04/20/15
- amended: 05/16/17
- amended: 12/19/17
- amended: 03/20/18
- amended: 06/21/23