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Welcome to the Academic Success Center

Here at 91社区, we want to see students succeed during their time on campus and beyond. That's why we've created several robust academic support programs available to all students in addition to academic coaching, tutoring, and SI, and additional resources through the Academic Success Center.聽

Beyond our free learning support services, we also provide General Studies (GENS) courses designed to help students enhance their academic skills and confidence.

Our Academic Success Guide is another valuable resource, offering strategies and worksheets to assist students in becoming successful college learners.

Throughout the semester, we host workshops on various academic success topics. During Academic Success Week, additional sessions are held to cover critical strategies for excelling in college. Furthermore, Academic Success Center staff are available upon request to deliver workshops to classes and student organizations on topics such as:

  • Effective academic planning
  • Note-taking techniques
  • Time management strategies
  • Reading textbooks effectively
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Managing test anxiety

We are proud to provide several academic support structures to help students achieve their educational goals.

Our free academic support services include:

Join Our Team

The Academic Success Center hires students to work as peer tutors, SI leaders, and front desk workers. If you are interested in any of these positions, click on the links below to fill out an application. Front desk applications can be returned to the office (ED 1111) or by email (Acadskil@usi.edu).