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Student Handbook

Higher education plays a vital role in developing future leaders by providing students with educational opportunities both in and outside the classroom. As an institution of higher education, the 91ÉçÇø (91ÉçÇø) is a learning community dedicated to excellence. All 91ÉçÇø students are presented with rights, privileges and opportunities when choosing to become a part of the 91ÉçÇø community. In order for 91ÉçÇø community members to live and learn in harmony, they must assume responsibility for their actions and respect the rights of others. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni make a commitment to furthering the mission of the 91ÉçÇø.

The University expects and requires all of its students, upon admission to the University, to develop, adhere to, and maintain high standards of scholarship and conduct. The Student Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Student Behavior is the guiding document for 91ÉçÇø community standards and outlines all rights and responsibilities afforded to 91ÉçÇø students.

Purpose of the Handbook Webpages

The 91ÉçÇø Student Handbook is an electronic source of the University's community standards and related policies and procedures. The links compiled here provide an overview of University policies and procedures, departments and services relevant to all students, undergraduate and graduate.

Resource Links

Extra Notes From Links

Admission Review Process

The 91ÉçÇø (91ÉçÇø) is committed to increasing access to higher education and supporting all students in their efforts to succeed. 91ÉçÇø is also committed to fostering a safe environment in which all members of the University community can thrive.Ìý As a part of the admission process, the University asks a series of questions about applicants' criminal history as it relates to misdemeanor and felony convictions. Having a criminal history is not a bar to admission There is a process the applicant must follow to disclose their criminal history and to undergo review by the Dean of Students and the University CARE Team.Ìý The review process includes completing a Misdemeanor / Felony Report Follow-Up Questionnaire, available from theÌýDean of Students, and meeting with university officials before the enrollment process can proceed. Applicants may be deferred or denied admission if their membership in the University community would be inappropriate or they are under conditions of post-release supervision that make enrollment impracticable. Applicants with current and related legal cases that have not been fully adjudicated may have their admission decision deferred until the conclusion of these legal proceedings.

Being convicted of a felony or being a registered sex offender is not an absolute bar to admission.Ìý However, being a registered sex offender does prohibit a student from living in University provided housing.Ìý It is also University policy that individuals with past drug-related convictions will not be permitted to live in University-owned property like, but not limited to residence halls and student apartments.

Individuals previously admitted to the University who wish to re-enroll must disclose to the Dean of Students all felony and misdemeanor convictions that occurred since their last term of enrollment. Current students with new felony or violent misdemeanor convictions must report each conviction to the Dean of Students during the semester in which the conviction occurs.

Failure to disclose required information at the time of application, re-enrollment, or conviction may result in invalidation of application, immediate suspension or expulsion from the University.

The Misdemeanor/Felony Review Process may not result in a final determination of an applicant’s acceptance into a particular degree-granting program of the University.Ìý For example, some academic programs (like, but not limited to, certain health care programs) may have academic requirements that an applicant may not be eligible to meet based on their legal history. Please direct any related questions to the Department Chair of the specific academic program or major of your interest.

A copy of the decision and final notification concerning action on the application of a prospective student is sent to the appropriate University offices like, but not limited to, Admission, Graduate Studies, Registrar, Housing and Residence Life, Public Safety and/or the Counseling Center.

Questions and concerns regarding this policy should be directed to theÌýDean of Students.ÌýYou may also contact the office by calling 812-464-1862.

Misdemeanor/Felony Review Process

  1. Upon disclosing a past misdemeanor or felony conviction on the University’s admission application, housing contract or any other University document, the applicant or student will be referred to the Dean of Students and sent the Misdemeanor Felony Report Follow-Up Questionnaire to be completed.
  2. Once the completed Questionnaire is received by the Dean of Students, the University will gather background information and a meeting will be scheduled with the applicant, the Dean of Students or Designee and other members of the University CARE Team to discuss the applicant or student’s background and current situation.
  3. All information gathered will then be shared with the University CARE Team (or a smaller subset of the CARE team) and a recommendation will be made regarding admission to the University.
  4. The Dean of Students will make the final decision concerning the applicant or student’s eligibility to continue with the enrollment process and any restrictions that may be imposed as conditions required for the applicant or student to attend the University.Ìý
  5. Restrictions that may be imposed depend on the criminal history and strategies needed to support a successful university experience and may include, but are not limited to:
    • You must go directly to the Public Safety Office and sign in with the secretary/dispatcher upon every arrival and departure from campus.
    • You are not eligible to live or visit campus housing and are not to be on University housing property. Your presence there will be considered trespassing and you may be subject to arrest.
    • You are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Your presence there will be considered trespassing, and you may be subject to arrest.
    • Every semester the Dean of Students must approve the specific periods of time you are permitted to be on campus and you must contact the Dean of Students Office to set up a meeting as soon as you enroll in classes for the next semester so that your access schedule can be approved.
    • You must meet periodically and/or as needed with the Dean of Students or Designee, Public Safety or other members of the CARE Team as appropriate.
    • You must obtain permission from the Dean of Students before joining any student organization.
    • You must keep the Dean of Students apprised of any academic field experiences and/or internships you are involved in prior to your involvement.
    • You may not enter the 91ÉçÇø’s Children’s Learning Center. Your presence there may result in your arrest for trespassing.
    • Other restrictions as deemed appropriate by the University.

Faculty Notices

The Dean of Students Office encourages students to contact their faculty members directly regarding their absences and other related issues at their earliest convenience. In emergency situations where students are unable to contact faculty members, or when students may not feel comfortable disclosing personal information to their faculty members, the Dean of Students Office (DOSO) may send a brief email (faculty notice) to faculty members notifying them that the student has contacted the Dean of Students Office and is being connected to the appropriate on and/or off-campus resources. The email will not provide the specifics of the situation, although the student is free to provide faculty with details. To have an email sent to faculty, students should fill out the "Faculty Notice Request form" or contact the Dean of Students Office in-person in University Center East room 1256, by phone at 812-464-1862, or via email at deanofstudents@usi.edu. Emergency situations might include serious illness or hospitalization, a serious accident, or a death in the family. Emergency situations do not include brief absences where a student is able to reach out to their faculty members about missed classes, assignments, quizzes, or exams, etc. The student will be copied on a Faculty Notice email, so they have a copy for their records. Faculty notices are intended to be informational and should not replace direct communication between students and their faculty members.

Missing Student Notification

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (effective August 14, 2008) requires any institution participating in a Title IV federal student financial aid program that maintains on-campus housing facilities to establish a missing student notification policy and related procedures.

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student, who resides in on-campus housing, is missing, they should immediately notify 91ÉçÇø Public Safety at 812-492-7777. Public Safety will generate a missing person report and initiate an investigation. After investigating the report, should Public Safety determine that the student is missing and has been for more than 24 hours, Public Safety shall notify local law enforcement and the student’s emergency contact as soon as practicable and no later than 24 hours than the student is determined to be missing.

In addition to registering an emergency contact, students residing in on-campus housing have the option of identifying, confidentially an individual to be contacted by 91ÉçÇø Public Safety in the event the student has been determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. If a student has identified such an individual, Public Safety will notify that individual as soon as practicable and no later than 24 hours after the student has been determined to be missing. A student who wishes to identify a confidential contact person may do so through the 91ÉçÇø Housing and Residence Life housing application form. This confidential contact information will be accessible only by authorized university officials and law enforcement as appropriate. If the missing student is under the age of 18 and is not emancipated, Public Safety with notify the student’s parent or legal guardian, in addition to the student’s designated contact.

While students are under no obligation to notify the University, they plan to spend time away from their campus residence they are strongly encouraged to share information with family, friends, or housing staff when they do so.

This information is from the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report published by 91ÉçÇø Public Safety

Sex Offender Registries

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education to advise the campus community where information concerning registered sex offenders may be accessed. It requires sex offenders already required by state law to register in a state, to provide notice to each institution of higher education in that state, at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office is the designated law enforcement agency for the 91ÉçÇø.

Indiana Sex Offender Registry: Effective January 1, 2003, Zachary’s Law requires sheriff departments to jointly establish and maintain the Indiana Sheriffs' Sex and Violent Offender Registry to provide detailed information about individuals who register as sex or violent offenders in Indiana. The registry’s purpose is to inform the public about violent offenders who live, work, or study in Indiana. The Commonwealth of Kentucky and the State of Illinois sex offender websites are included with the National Sex Offender web site due to their close proximity with the University.

  • links public state, territorial, and tribal sex offender registries together and can be accessedÌý
  • Ìý

This information is from the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report published by 91ÉçÇø Public Safety

Student-Athletes Disciplinary Policies

As with all 91ÉçÇø students, 91ÉçÇø student-athletes are subject to the 91ÉçÇø’s Community Standards of behavior in addition to Athletics’ standards. In addition, their conduct is also subject to NCAA rules and regulations. Student-athletes are expected to know and abide by the University and NCAA standards of behavior. For more information, see the .